Write code and engineer technical solutions
Below, you can find instructions on how to build and work on specific apps. If you are not sure where to contribute, consider choosing an app that you use yourself or select a programming language with which you are already familiar. Try to solve a problem or implement a feature that is important to you or where you feel an inner motivation.
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Creating your own app will not only allow you to implement your own ideas at will. It is also an opportunity to understand how all the pieces in the GNOME ecosystem fit together.
It is possible to write apps for GNOME in several different programming languages. You can check our list of the most frequently used languages.
You can publish your app on Flathub to make it easily available to many people. If your app is polished and ready for everyday usage, you can consider submitting it to GNOME Circle. The Circle membership makes your project eligible for support through the GNOME Foundation.
Below, you can find an overview of the most popular languages for writing GNOME apps.
To get started with developing GNOME apps with C we recommend the Beginners Tutorial that also covers the C language. You can find other important resources below.
We recommend the GJS Developer Guide to get started with JavaScript in GNOME. You can find other important resources below.
If you are familiar with the basics of the Python language, we recommend the Beginners Tutorial which also covers the Python language. You can find other important resources below.
If you are familiar with the basics of the Rust language, we recommend the online book GUI development with Rust and GTK 4. This book explains how Rust can be used to create apps in the GNOME ecosystem. You can find other important resources below.
For getting started with the Vala language, we recommend the Vala Tutorial or the Beginners Tutorial, which also covers Vala. You can find other important resources below.
<b>Vala Bindings API References</b>
How to use GTK, the underlying library for user interfaces, and other libraries
<b>Development Platform</b>
Main development repository of the Vala language and compiler, issue tracker and contribution platform
The following apps are worth trying out to get started with development within GNOME. For more apps you can check the Development Tools section on Apps for GNOME.